There has been a lot of talk in recent days about the possible introduction of medical marijuana on the market also in Italy. As many of you already know, the Military Pharmaceutical Institute of Florence was authorized last autumn to start a cultivation of marijuana in view of a future production to be distributed to Italian pharmacies. Today a famous newspaper reports some photos of this cultivation experience. As you can see from the photos, an average amateur grower is already positioned at a much higher level than that achieved so far by the military. From a first analysis of the photos it seems that the managers of this structure have decided to invest in materials like those we use every day, for example a famous brand of blackout curtains for indoor cultivation, another famous brand of cool tubes, tools to control humidity and soil characteristics, lamps and anything else that looks like what many of us have in their homes too.
Of course, no one is born learned, and as each of us has learned from their mistakes and failures, this promising team will also have to change its guidelines in view of a serious production.
In any case, if it comes to a production of medical marijuana to be distributed to Italian pharmacies, it will be a great success, given that an event like this seemed impossible only two or three years ago.
This is the link to the original photo gallery so you can get an idea of ​​the level of cultivation.