Resellers and Distributors

We are aware that the success of a Seedbank is given by its net of resellers and with this in mind we have prepared for you a professional catalog, with promotion material and the best prices of the market. We are sure that you will find our offer complete and your profit bigger than what any other seedbank can offer you .

We believe in a honest business relationship between us and our resellers, indeed most of our resellers and distributors work with us since more than a decade.

If you wanna know our pricelist for resellers and make an order, you can contact us via email with all your data (name of the company, website if you have, address, phone number, VAT number).

You can also create a profile directly on this website, but you need to contact us via email, so we can assign the right pricelist to you.

If you come to Spain, we would be happy to meet you, and introduce you our seeds line. We also participate to professional fairs, at least twice a year. You are welcome to our booth. We also have distributors, both international or country specifics. The list of the international distributors is below. The choice to buy from us directly or from a distributor is up to you.


Plantasur –

Basil Bush –

Tiger One –

Five Seeds –