The Monday Growing Tips

Why and how should I trim my cannabis plants?



As a cannabis grower your job is to understand how cannabis plants produce the biggest buds with the higher THC possible.

In this article we are going to see why trimming your cannabis plants is important.

First of all let’s see the different existent methods for trimming your plants:

The Foraging, Supper cropping, Topping, FIM,

The most important thing before starting growing is to know which type of plants you want and the size of the plant

Today let’s talk about the Foraging and Supper cropping

The Foraging consist on removing the leaves that don’t look healthy, your plant will focus her energy on the good ones or on the future sprout. Your plant spends energy on each leave so it’s important to capitalize all the energies available of your little girls for a maximum productivity.

The Foraging also consists on cutting the leaves on the top of the plant that make shadow to the others ones. Your plant will grow in other axis and you will get better harvests with bigger BUDS.



Let’s see know an other well know method called the super cropping also know as High Stress Training (HST) the technique consists on hurting the plant by slighting hurting it in a planned way.

The supper cropping must be done during the vegetative growing, usually the second or third week when it will be the most effective.

The concept is to damage the inner tissue of the plant without causing damage to the outside “skin”

Start by selecting few plants to make sure your plants reacts well to stress technique.

Once you have chosen your plants you must bend the stem to make an angle at 70° from the grown, see picture below

Supper C

It’s important to bend the super-crop site hard enough otherwise it will just bounce back to where she was in a few hours.

If the supper cropping blend technique is not successfully done you may have to add some tape to support and the back up the nutriment proprieties of the plant especially if you can see a open slit or crack on the outside of the stem.

(See image below)



Next week will see the how to trim using the Topping and FIM techniques.




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