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Back from Spannabis 2010

We are back from the Spannabis 2010 and it has been a fantastic experience for all of us. Thousands of smiling people have visited us, the whether was fantastic for end of february, and we had a fridge full of Cava semi-sec  🙂 we are definitely in love with Barcelona and we will be surely back next year. And least but abs. not last, thanks to our wonderful spanish hostesses, Maribel, Monika and Georgina for all their support and kindness. Here a few pics for those who where not there.

Spannabis 2010 - Ministry of Cannabis stand 4   Spannabis 2010 - Ministry of Cannabis stand 3   Spannabis 2010 - Ministry of Cannabis stand 2   Spannabis 2010 - Ministry of Cannabis stand 1   Spannabis 2010 - At the entrance



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